The decline of the male activity, can start at any age depending on various factors, the production of male hormones. Sexual energy and Libido are directly dependent on the consumption of foods with nutrients. Vitamins for men to increase potency significantly increase the chances of healthy offspring.

To eat of the male sex is necessary, right, but there are cases when no medications do not get along. The diet should be balanced and diverse.
The reasons for the negative impact on the function of the male reproductive organs
The stress, the devastating effect of the modern rhythm of life, bad habits have a negative effect on the male body. In special-risk groups 35 years for men. In this age, the potency drops due to the low number of included testosterone in the body.
Low potency can develop for the following reasons:
- Excessive physical stress.
- Inheritance.
- Pathology of the nervous system.
- Obsessive fears, anxiety, nervousness, negative impact on the Psyche.
- The deficiency of the male hormone because of the imperfect working of the endocrine cells.
- Smoking, alcohol abuse, use of narcotics.
- The use of certain medications.
- The dampening effect of the ecological environment.
- Incorrectly chosen diet.
- Neurological Disorders.
- Taking medications, the the activity in relation to depressive conditions.
- Reduced Motor Activity.
How to improve potency?
Every man should have a full sexual life, for this you need to treat seriously their own health. For increase of a potentiality at men, you need to pay attention to your diet and to eat properly.
By the fine-tuned diet the necessary substances and minerals every day, then come into the body through food intake. Increase sexual activity the daily consumption of fruit, vegetables, seafood, useful products to increase potency can.
The items needed to do the work of the reproductive cells

A sufficient amount of food consumed zinc has a considerable ability to increase potency in men. Small amount in the body of contained zinc weakens complex systems and organs that developed for the insemination, impotence and. 14 mg of this element – is a sufficient daily dose for the improvement of the reproductive functions.
This Element a molecule is the primary sex hormone and is responsible for the improvement of the erection makes. Zinc is a trace element for the improvement of the mobility of male germ cells.
Foods rich in zinc: fish, wheat bran, nuts, seafood. The daily use of these products has a positive effect on the potency and the erection is improved significantly.
Fixed consumption of selenium and Vitamin E contribute to the improvement of the quality of the sperm. With these elements infertility treated and increases the production of testosterone. Selenium include meat, grains, sprouts, nuts, apples, and eggs.
To normalize the normal function of the nervous system, and blood support pressure the presence of potassium helps in the body. A large amount of this element is in bananas, dairy products, legumes, pumpkin, wheat embryo, tomatoes.
The daily intake of fortified food improves male strength and has a positive effect on the normal functioning of the erection. The required number of required elements can be made of foods rich in nutrients, or by special medication in the pharmacy.
Has beneficial influence of Vitamin E for the potency. This Element helps in improving the Libido, the formation of sperm and male hormones, normalizes work of the endocrine system. In the case of a deficiency of Vitamin E, the number of red blood cells and the blood circulation is reduced.
Vitamin D is especially important for the potency in the Winter. Sources of these substances are considered to be seafood, milk, quail egg.
Vitamin C plays an important role for the potency important for men, ascorbic acid in an amount of 200 mg daily. The blood vessels receive a special flexibility and strength, thanks to this vitamin.
What vitamins are useful?
The use and value of the ascorbic acid is in the formation of immunity. Most citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C, rose hips, red peppers, vegetables, parsley, sea buckthorn.
Vitamin A normalizes the immune system and the reproductive system, improves the growth and development of cells of all organs. It can be caused by the consumption of vegetables, red, liver, Butter, cheese, and parsley. It is the normal ability of men to offspring understand.
Enough use of amounts of Vitamin B 1 increase the productivity and activity of the men. Fatigue reduces the normal function of the reproductive organs, therefore, it is important to consume a daily Vitamin in an amount of 1-3 mg.
For the disappearance of muscle weakness, frequent headaches, it is recommended that nicotinic acid. It has a positive effect on the activation of the work of the brain cells, eliminates fatigue, makes favourable conditions for a healthy sleep. For obtaining of nicotinic acid-organism to the full extent it is recommended in the menu, fish products, beets and brewer's yeast are also rich in this Element.
Vitamins to increase potency in the sexual life of a man belong to pyridoxine. The recommended consumption of pyridoxine per day 2-2.5 mg.

He contributes to the disappearance of fatigue, muscle weakness. A large number of pyridoxine include bananas, shrimp fishing, tuna.
Increased anxiety, fear, and fatigue from the intake of folic acid(Vitamin B9). Folic acid performs the functions according to the increase of the chances of a pregnancy, the improvement of the quality of testosterone, reduces the risks for the development of the pathology in possible offspring.
Folic acid is found in brewer's yeast, egg yolk, milk products, mushrooms, oranges, dark green vegetables. A sufficient intake of these substances to feel better, freed from the fear of fatigue.
Medicinal products for the production of testosterone
With the modern time, a variety of drugs that contain male vitamins for potency. Taking this medication for the restoration of masculinity and has a positive impact on the full-fledged sexual activity.
Should not forget that on the male reproductive system enormous negative effects are. For men, the recommended is looking after your health, and seriously concerned about the condition of the sexual functions, give up Smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol. Maintaining a healthy way of life in combination with the intake of medicines increases the chances for a positive development of the organism of men.
Apply the medicine is recommended only after consultation with the doctor. Vitamin complex for potency is for the really well-known problems. The correctly selected diet, the large stock of nutrients, to help overcome men's problems with sexual Frustration, and strengthen the body in General.
Vitamins for the improvement of potency is an important addition to a series of measures to combat the disease. What are the vitamins for you need to, you can tell your doctor.